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Author's online course on proper nutrition


A proper and balanced diet is the most important factor for our health and quality of life.

After all, we are what we eat.

Inattention to diet leads to unfortunate consequences:

Start gradually and take the first step!

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Exploring the Nexus of Acetone and Illicit Drug Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction: Acetone, a ubiquitous solvent with diverse industrial applications, has also found infamy as a crucial component in the illicit synthesis of various drugs. Understanding the pivotal role of acetone…

Nitromethane Synthesis: Beyond the Boom

Introduction In the hallowed halls of chemistry, few compounds evoke the same sense of awe and apprehension as nitromethane. From its humble origins as a laboratory curiosity to its pivotal…

Synthesis of Dextroamphetamine: A Journey into the Chemistry of Cognitive Enhancement

Unraveling the Mysteries of Dextroamphetamine In the vast landscape of neurochemistry, few compounds have captivated the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike quite like dextroamphetamine. From its humble origins as…